WDDA Contact Information

Name Position Phone Number Address
Josh Rockey Chairman (517) 521-3984 115 S. Main
Sam Schulte Vice Chairman (517) 521-3984 115 S. Main
Les Member (517) 521-3984 115 S. Main
Randie King Member (517) 521-3984 115 S. Main
Joe Warner Member (517) 521-3984 115 S. Main
Diana Baxter Member (517) 521-3984 115 S. Main
Dan Norton Member (517) 521-3984 115 S. Main
Jordan Fuller Member (517) 521-3984 115 S. Main

*Member address and phone number as care of the Village Hall’s address and phone number.

Village of Webberville
115 S. Main
P.O. Box 389
Webberville, MI
Phone:  (517) 521-3984

The Webberville DDA consists of 9 volunteer members who are either residents or business owners in the Downtown Development Authority District. The DDA meets once per month and all meetings are open to the public. Please check out the meeting schedule on the left side of this page to find out when the next meeting will be held.

Thank you for your interest in our village. The Webberville Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is a revitalization organization dedicated to improving the economic viability, charm, and historic significance of Webberville. The DDA serves as an extension of the Village Council and consists of nine members which meet monthly in the Webberville Cultural Center.

The Webberville DDA enlists the help of Ingham County EDC, MEDC and LEAP, to assist businesses with things like the selling/purchasing of property, abatement’s, etc. Dillon Rush is our Liason and he can be reached at:

Dillon Rush | Tri-County Development & Placemaking Manager
Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP)
1000 S. Washington Ave., Ste. 201 – REO Town | Lansing, MI 48910 USA
1+517.331.0069 ext 215 | purelansing.com

The meetings are open to the public, and we encourages residents, business owners, property owners, and other interested parties to attend and learn more about the DDA’s projects and activities. At each meeting there is an opportunity for citizen comment which is welcomed and appreciated. If you are unable to attend our meetings, you can find the recorded minutes to each meeting on this website under the tab “Agendas & Minutes“.

If you have interest in serving as a member of the DDA the Webberville Downtown Development Authority currently has a vacancy on its board. the DDA meets once a month. Becoming a member of the DDA is a great way to become involved in the community. If you are interested in filling this seat, please contact the Village Office at (517) 521-3984 or submit a letter of interest to Jessica Kuch, Village Clerk/Treasurer, PO Box 389, Webberville, MI 48892. Or by email to jkuch@webbvill.com.

This is a volunteer position- there is not any pay associated with it.

The Webberville DDA has implemented a new program to recognize the outstanding businesses in the Webberville community. Is there a Webberville business who you believe should be acknowledged? Is there a business or business owner who has gone above and beyond to help you? If yes, we want to know about it. Please tell us who you’d like to nominate and why they should be recognized. You may email your nominations to Jessica at jkuch@webbvill.com or contact the Village Office at (517) 521-3984. Please help us in recognizing the businesses who make up our community.

2024 Webberville DDA Schedule

January 15th
February 26th
March 18 – Special
April 15th
May 20th
June 17th
July 15th
August 19th – Special
September 16th
October 14th
November 18th
December 16th

The WDDA will hold 2 Special Meeting – Public Hearings prior to regular meetings

March 18th
August 19th

This board is not paid and the members consists of Council, DDA, Staff, Business owners and Residents.

Their schedule may vary. Look for postings. This schedule is tentative.

WDDA – (Webberville Downtown Development Authority) 9 members – This board receives portions of the tax money in the Tax Increment Finance District and can only be used in the TIF District.

This meeting is usually the 3rd Monday of the month (usually the week after the Council Meeting).

Special Meetings may be called.
There may be quorums of other boards attending a meeting.
Any Special Meeting or regular meeting changes will be posted on the front window of the Cultural Center and the Website.
All meetings are open to the public. Public Comment can only be made during stated public comment times.

Please make sure all correspondence for the Council, WDDA and any other Board goes through the Village Clerk. Any questions, concerns, complaints or information for items to be discussed at meetings.