Property Taxes

The Village of Webberville collects taxes once a year. Tax bills go out by July 1st and are due September 14th. If you have questions please call Jessica Kuch at (517) 521-3984 or email
The Village collects only Village tax millage and all of the Village Personal Property Taxes.
Village Millage is a total of 13.2 Mils.
- 11.6081 General Operations
- 1.5919 Municipal Streets
Every resident will be mailed a tax bill. If you receive a blue tax bill, we do not have a mortgage company on file for you. If your property taxes are supposed to be paid through an escrow account and you receive a blue tax bill, please contact your mortgage company and have them contact us in writing. If you receive a white tax bill, this is for your information only. Your tax bill has been sent to your mortgage company for payment.
All County, Township, and Taxing authority amounts are collected by Leroy Township at 1685 N. M-52, Webberville, MI 48892. (517) 521-3729
Delinquent utility bills should be sent to the Ingham County Treasurer at P.O. Box 215, Mason, MI 48854 or you can call them at (517) 676-7220. Please call them for any amounts due after October 1st.
Village of Webberville is Located in Leroy Township – Of Which you will pay a Leroy Township Summer and Winter Tax Bill to them – For more information please go to