Council Members and Terms: 

The Village Council is the governing body of the Village. The Council is comprised of the Village President and four Council Trustees. The Village President holds a two-year term, while two Trustees hold a 2-year term, and the other two Trustees hold four-year terms. The Village Council meets the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. (unless the schedule notes otherwise) in the Village Council Chambers located at 115 S. Main St. All meetings are open to the public.

President Sam Schulte.: Sam was appointed to the council in September 2020, after serving on the WDDA for 9 months. He was re-appointed in December 2022. Elected Village President in 2024 President Schulte is responsible for presiding over the meetings of the Village Council.  As President, Sam is the Supervisor of the employee’s and is required to sit on the DDA Board. He has to run for re-election in November 2026.

You may email Sam

President Pro-Temp Lana Stanfield: Lana was appointed to Council in August 2022. Then elected to the Council in November of 2022, and she has to run for election in November of 2026. Lana holds one of two 4-year seats.

You may email Lana at:

Trustee Sandra Schoenborn: Sandra was appointed to the Council in September 2020 and re-appointed again in January 2023. She has to run for election in November 2024. Sandra holds one of two 4-year seats. Sandra also serves on the N.I.E.S.A board as a representative for the Village.

You may email Sandra

Trustee Deborah Walter: Deborah was appointed to the Council in February 2023, and she was elected November 2024. Deborah holds one of two 2-year seats. She will be up for re-election in 2026.

You may email Deborah at:

In Memory of Past Council Members

Robert “Rusty” Ackerman

Rusty honorably Served on the Village Council as a Trustee and President Pro-Tem from November 2006 to July 2022. He was a valuable member of the Village Council and the community, and was a great citizen of the Village of Webberville. His presence at village meetings is extremely missed. A plaque has been installed above the village hall doors in his memory and in honor of his contributions to the community.

Ernest “Rob” Oesterle

Rob served on the Village Council as a Trustee from 2014 to 2021. Rob was also a large part of the Leroy Fire Department Association as well as a volunteer firefighter with NIESA. He was a large presence in the community, and he will be greatly missed.