Date Project Description
Ongoing Garden Club Purchase flowers for downtown planters, gazebo and business park sign.
Ongoing Billboard The DDA entered into a contract to advertise the downtown on a billboard at the corner of M-52 and Grand River.
2024 Ford Building architect drawings and designs and beginning redevelopment into an event center.
2024 Parking Lot Project corner of Summit St and Grand River Rd -Design and Engineering.
2024 Ford Building Roof and Structure work
2023 Ford Building Purchase
2022 Tech Drive paving and utilities extension
2020 Banners Purchase of banners for downtown streetlights.
2020 Decorations Purchase new Christmas decorations for the downtown.
2020 Flags Purchase new flags and poles for the downtown sidewalks.
2020 Tech Drive Culvers excavating is extending Tech Drive out in the industrial park.
2019 Blue Star Memorial Donate towards the Blue Star Memorial.
2016 122 E. Grand River Purchase and removal of house.
2015 Gazebo Project Renovate the gazebo and beautify with plants and flowers.
2014 Banners Purchase of banners for downtown streetlights.
2013 Downtown Planters Started purchasing flowers for the planters and greens at Christmas annually.
2013 Streetscape Project

Roads and sidewalks with bump outs on Grand River from Clark to Summit and on Main from Chestnut and Cherry.  Added planters, benches, trash cans and decorative streetlights – bricks at the bump outs.