Brush Pick Up Rules:

Brush pick up will be done one day during the week. Starting at 7a.m. Once the truck goes by it will not be back until the next scheduled pick up. Chapter 50 Garbage and Rubbish

1. Place brush between the sidewalk and the road (or next to the pavement of the road if no sidewalk). None in the road or extending over the sidewalk.

2. Brush should not be placed by the road prior to the Friday preceding pick up.

3. Place brush with the cut end towards the road.

4. Brush must be piled neatly.

5. Brush may not exceed 5 inches in diameter and/or eight feet in length.

6. There shall be no garden waste (most garden waste can be cut in 6 inch strips and picked up with leaf pick up).

7. There shall be no lumber, roots, concrete, stones, poison ivy or feces mixed with the brush.


Leaf Pick Up Rules:

We will Try our best to adhere to the schedule but sometimes unforeseen circumstances or weather may not allow for pick up to happen. Please follow these simple instructions for leaves:

1. Rake leaves to the edge of the street, not in the street. If we cannot reach them with the vacuum hose we will not be able to pick them up.

2. Do not make leaf piles wider than (4′) four feet wide or we cannot reach them all.

3. Do not rake leaves around posts, signs, mailboxes or cars. Keep them at least (4′) four feet away from all objects.

4. Do not pile them at intersections where we will have to block traffic to pick them up.

5. Do not mix trash, sticks, rocks or other debris with leaves as it will cause damage to the leaf vacuum and/or injury.

6. Do not pile brush and leaves together we cannot sort it for you.

7. Do not put leaves in bags we do not pick up bags.

All dates are weather permitting. Have leaves and/or brush to the road at 7a.m. on the designated days. Please do not put them together. Sometimes things happen and they do not get to it on the scheduled day but they will get it that week. They usually will only go by each house one time, and if your brush/leaves are not out at that time they may not be back for them until the next scheduled pick up. Chapter 50 Garbage and Rubbish

2024 Brush Pick Up Schedule

April 1st
May 6th
June 3rd
July 1st
August 5th
September 3rd
October 7th
November 4th
December 2nd

2024 Leaf Pick Up Schedule

April 8th
April 15th
April 22nd
October 8th
October 14th
October 21st
October 28th
November 5th
November 11th
November 18th
November 25th