from The Village of Webberville
Beginning mid-May through September we will be having R.B. Satkowiak’s City Sewer Cleaners televising and cleaning our sanitary sewer mains. This is part of the SAW Grant and is going to be throughout the entire Village. It is recommended that you keep your toilet lids closed, have floor drains covered (folded towel or an upside down bowl that covers the full floor drain), and check your sewer vent pipes for blockage.
Below is the link for the notice that went out with the May Utility Bills for more information. If you still have any questions you may call the Village office at (517) 517-3984 or email Jaymee Hord at
(Notice regarding sewer cleaning and televising)
We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience in this matter.
-The Village of Webberville